Monday, December 10, 2007

You Tube videos on Motivation, Goal setting and Success access to FREE success ebooks including the classic "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, a massive stash of articles, inspirational quotations, and links to interviews with the greatest names in motivation, goal setting, and success!
Featuring the masters of success, whose principles -- when applied! -- are guaranteed to help you reach your goals faster: Napoleon Hill, Brian Tracy, Mark Joyner, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Richard Bandler, Zig Ziglar, Steven K. Scott, and Stephen R. Covey

Napoleon Hill - Author of the classic "Think and Grow Rich" and father of personal success literature

Napoleon Hill Foundation

Napoleon Hill talks about his meeting with Andrew Carnegie

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The Wisdom of Napoleon Hill

Get your FREE ebook download of Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich!

Also enjoy these additional free ebook downloads of early 20th century success literature classics:
  • As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
  • Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwel
  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
    ...and don't say we never gave ya nothin' for FREE!

    • Quotations by Napoleon Hill
      - Action is the real measure of intelligence.
      - A goal is a dream with a deadline.
      - All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.
      - Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
      - Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together.
      - Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
      - Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
      - Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
      - Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.
      - Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
      - Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing so can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win - essential to success.
      - Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.
      - First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.
      - Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.
      - Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it.
      - Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.
      - If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
      - If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.
      - If you're not learning while you're earning, you're cheating yourself out of the better portion of your compensation.
      - It has always been my belief that a man should do his best, regardless of how much he receives for his services, or the number of people he may be serving or the class of people served.
      - Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive.
      - Knowledge has no value except that which can be gained by its application.
      - Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk in life.
      - Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.
      - Money without brains is always dangerous.
      - More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.
      - No man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind.
      - No man can succeed in a line of endeavor which he does not like.
      - One must marry one's feelings to one's beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one's life.
      - One of the main weaknesses of mankind is the average man's familiarity with the word 'impossible.'
      - Perseverance: The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those that fail.
      - Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.
      - Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.
      - Self-disciplined begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.
      - Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.
      - Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the man who has found the work that he likes best.
      - The battle is all over except the "shouting" when one knows what is wanted and has made up his mind to get it, whatever the price may be.
      - The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.
      - The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.
      - The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.
      - There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.
      - Think and grow rich.
      - Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and burning desires are powerful things.
      - Through some strange and powerful principle of "mental chemistry" which she has never divulged, nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire, "that something" which recognizes no such word as "impossible," and accepts no such reality as failure.
      - Understand this law and you will then know, beyond room for the slightest doubt, that you are constantly punishing yourself for every wrong you commit and rewarding yourself for every act of constructive conduct in which you indulge.
      - War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man.
      - When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.
      - What you think, so you will become.
      - Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
      - Who said it could not be done? And tell me what great victories does he have to his credit which qualifies him to judge what can and can't be accomplished.
      - You give before you get.
      - You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee.
      - Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.

      Source: Wikiquote

      Brian Tracy - Professional speaker, author of dozens of books and audio programs on success, sales, and goal achievement; MBA and Chairman of Brian Tracy International, San Diego, Ca.

      Brian - Brian Tracy International: Talks, seminars, and products on leadership, sales, managerial effectiveness and business strategy.

      Intro to Science of Self Confidence - Brian Tracy

      Brian Tracy interviewed in Warsaw, Poland

      Success Interview of Brian Tracy at Jim Rohn Leadership Event

      The Universal Maxim with Brian Tracy - Motivational Quotes

      What is Creativity - Brian Tracy

      Interview with Brian Tracy

      FREE ebook by Brian Tracy - The Principles of Success, features:
      Create A Balanced Life
      Becoming A Person Of Integrity
      Cultivate Your Self-Esteem
      Empower Others
      You Are A Sales Person
      Gain Visibility
      Generate Energy
      Lead & Motivate Others
      Make Every Minute Count
      Make The Most Of Change
      Manage Your Time
      Set Effective Priorities
      Develop the Power Of Charisma
      Harness The Power Of Positive Self Talk

      Mark Joyner - Internet marketing pioneer, best-selling author and founder of Simpleology, "the simple science of getting what you want"

    • Mark Joyner Internet Marketing Articles Archive (from us here at Atwood and Associates) - "The web's most comprehensive archive of articles, audio & print interviews, Youtube videos and more by "the Godfather of internet marketing," bestselling author and founder of Simpleology"
    • Mark - Mark Joyner's Blog: Atomic Mind Bombs - Personal Development Brain Puzzle Cartoons
    • - "The simple science of getting what you want." Sign up for Simpleology's free and highly recommended, a multi-media, laugh riot experience in the cutting edge of goal setting and time management technology.

      Mark Joyner's Secret Mindset For Success - Part 1

      Mark Joyner's Secret Mindset For Success - Part II

      Mark Joyner's Secret Mindset For Success - Part III

      Simpleology: The Simple Science Of Getting What You Want

      Tony Robbins - Seminar leader, author, and peak performance coach; chairman of the Anthony Robbins Companies; and producer of Personal Power, the best-selling audio self-improvement program of all time.

    • Tony Robbins motivates you in 20 minutes: TEDTalks

      Tony Robbins talks about how to unlock your true potential -- and high-fives Al Gore in the front row! A fast-paced, mind-expanding, motivating TEDTalk for high achievers and those who wish to be. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA.)

      The Charlie Rose Show with Tony Robbins (55:48)

      Quotes by Tony Robbins
      - A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided.
      - Action is the foundational key to all success.
      - You might say, what if I screw up? Then screw up big! Go for it! Do a big screwup!
      - All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs.
      - Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.
      - Commit to "CAN I!" – Constant And Never-ending Improvement
      - Determination is the wake-up call to the human will.
      - For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent.
      - Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.
      - I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve. This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their dreams from those who live in regret.
      - I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.
      - I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.
      - I've continued to recognize the power individuals have to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant. I've learned that the resources we need to turn our dreams into reality are within us, merely waiting for the day when we decide to wake up and claim our birthright.
      - If we don't see a failure as a challenge to modify our approach, but rather as a problem with ourselves, as a personality defect, we will immediately feel overwhelmed.
      - If you develop the absolute sense of certainty that powerful beliefs provide, then you can get yourself to accomplish virtually anything, including those things that other people are certain are impossible.
      - If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
      - If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve.
      - If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results.
      - In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.
      - In life you need either inspiration or desperation.
      - It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
      - It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute... that gives meaning to our lives.
      - It's not knowing what to do, it's doing what you know.
      - It's not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean.
      - It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you're going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.
      - It's your unlimited power to care and to love that can make the biggest difference in the quality of your life.
      - Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.
      - Live with passion!
      - Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.
      - My definition of success is to live your life in a way that causes you to feel a ton of pleasure and very little pain— and because of your lifestyle, have the people around you feel a lot more pleasure than they do pain.
      - Nothing has any power over me other than that which I give it through conscious thoughts.
      - Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year— and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!
      - One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.
      - Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment.
      - Passion is the genesis of genius.
      - People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals— that is, goals that do not inspire them.
      - Personal power is the ability to take action.
      - Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, "Here is an opportunity for me to celebrate like never before, my own power, my own ability to get myself to do whatever is necessary."
      - Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.
      - Questions provide the key to unlocking our unlimited potential.
      - Remember, the quality of your life is dependent upon the quality of the life of your cells. If the bloodstream is filled with waste products, the resulting environment does not promote a strong, vibrant, healthy cell life-nor a biochemistry capable of creating a balanced emotional life for an individual.
      - Repetition is the mother of skill.
      - Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
      - Success comes from taking the initiative and following up... persisting... eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?
      - Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.
      - Surmounting difficulty is the crucible that forms character.
      - Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.
      - The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.
      - The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.
      - The past doesn't equal the future.
      Variant: The past does not equal the future unless you live there.
      - The path to success is to take massive, determined action.
      - The people who shape our lives and our cultures have the ability to communicate a vision or a quest or a joy or a mission.
      - The quality of your life is the quality of your communication. (with yourself as well as with others).
      - The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you.
      - The truth is that we can learn to condition our minds, bodies, and emotions to link pain or pleasure to whatever we choose. By changing what we link pain and pleasure to, we will instantly change our behaviors.
      - The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.
      - There is always a way- if you're committed.
      - There is no greatness without a passion to be great, whether it's the aspiration of an athlete or an artist, a scientist, a parent, or a businessperson.
      - There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.
      - There's no abiding success without commitment.
      - Things do not have meaning. We assign meaning to everything.
      - To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
      - Want to learn to eat a lot? Here it is: Eat a little. That way, you will be around long enough to eat a lot.
      - We are the only beings on the planet who lead such rich internal lives that it's not the events that matter most to us, but rather, it's how we interpret those events that will determine how we think about ourselves and how we will act in the future.
      - We aren't in an information age, we are in an entertainment age.
      - We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.
      - We will act consistently with our view of who we truly are, whether that view is accurate or not.
      - What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.
      - Whatever happens, take responsibility.
      - When people are like each other they tend to like each other.
      - You always succeed in producing a result.
      - You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully.
      - You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.
      - You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events— how we interpret them— that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow.
      - Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.
      - People’s lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group.… Your life experience will never far exceed the expectations of your peers, because to stay connected to them there is an unconscious contract that says we’re going to be within this range of each other. Now, on the other hand, if for some reason your friends have a higher expectation for life than you do, just to stay on the team you’ve got to raise your standard. And that's the beauty of life. (from Unleash the Power Within)
      Source: Wikiquote

      Jim Rohn - Professional speaker, author, and mentor to Brian Tracy and Tony Robbins; called "America's foremost business philosopher"

    • Jim
    • Interview with Jim Rohn

      Jim Rohn - How to have Your Best Year Ever (1 of 3)

      Jim Rohn - How to have Your Best Year Ever 2 of 3

      Jim Rohn - How to have Your Best Year Ever (3 of 3)

      Quotes by Jim Rohn
      - Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.
      - We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.
      - The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become
      Source: Wikiquote

      Richard Bandler - Co-founder of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Design Human Engineering, author, speaker and another mentor to Tony Robbins

      Richard - NLP, Hypnosis, Design Human Engineering, Neurohypnotic Repatterning Seminars

      Richard Bandler Slideshow

    • Richard Bandler Interview with NLP Network News - "Bandler Unplugged": "When I started certification, even some of the people doing certification now, laughed at me. Some of them refused to participate in it. What these people are doing is offering certificates and confusing the public. The name of that is fraud. Where I come from we call it stealing. Stealing is wrong. Everybody wants to make it a legal issue. It's a moral issue. What right do these people have to offer certificates about my work without my permission? That seems to me to be wrong...Out of the licensees that I do have, Tony Robbins is one of them, yet he can use his own words. He doesn't confuse the public about what's his and what's mine and he remains a licensee. That is someone who has some ethics, some morals, and yet everybody says he's immoral."

      Treating Nonsense With Nonsense - Strategies for a Better Life

      Dr. Stephen R. Covey - Author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People ("the most influential business book of the 20th century" - Chief Executive magazine); MBA from Harvard University; and co-founder of FranklinCovey

    • Stephen

    • Interview with Dr. Stephen Covey

      - Tony Robbinis interviews Stephen Covey!

      Quotes by Steven R. Covey

      - Make your life work instead of making life full of work.
      - Instead of looking at fragments, try to see the whole picture.
      - Instead of taking two watches, take compass. It is not important how fast you are moving, but where you are moving.
      - Best's enemy is Good.
      - Our life is result of our choices.
      - Until you live, learn how to live.
      - No gardener, no garden!
      - Often we are so busy with sawing that we forget to shapen the saw.
      - Vision without values may create Hitler.
      - The moment of making choice is the moment of truth!
      - Wisdom is synergy of mind and heart.
      - Our choices make the legacy to our children.
      - Our world problems and bewilderment would be lost if we understood our opponents.
      - Trust is a glue that holds everything together.
      - There will be real happiness, peace of mind and balance, when living by heart and right-mindedly.
      - Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
      - If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting.
      - In the last analysis, what we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do.
      - Live out of your imagination, not your history.
      - Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.
      - Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them.
      - Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.
      - The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
      - There are three constants in life…change, choice and principles.
      - We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. - We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice.
      Source: Wikiquote

      Steven K. Scott
      - Infomercial entrepreneur, speaker and author of "Mentored by a Millionaire" and "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth and Happiness"

    • Steven K. - "From hopeless failure to millionaire mentor"

      MaxGXL: Co-Founder Steven K. Scott

      "Steve couldn't succeed no matter how hard he tried. After losing nine jobs, he was mentored by a millionaire in a handful of strategies and skills that changed his life. Then, on job number ten, he and his partners built more than a dozen multi-million dollar companies from scratch, achieving billions of dollars in sales. Steve later discovered that the same strategies that made him millions in business were equally powerful when applied to marriage and parenting relationships. But Steve takes no credit for discovering any of these strategies, as they were originally articulated by King Solomon 3,000 years ago. Now Steve mentors others in these same life-changing strategies and skills."

      Zig Ziglar - Motivational speaker, author and "the greatest salesman in the world"

    • Zig

      Zig Ziglar Setting Goals 1 of 3

      World-renowned motivator Zig Ziglar guides you through a simple formula for achieving ANY goal. Learn more at:

      Zig Ziglar Setting Goals 2 of 3

      Zig Ziglar Setting Goals 3 of 3

      Quotes by Zig Ziglar

      - You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
      - What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become (by achieving your goals).
      - Where you start is not as important as where you finish.
      - People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
      - F-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c !
      - You are WHAT you are, You are WHERE you are, because of what you put in your mind. You can CHANGE what you are, You can CHANGE where you are, by changing what you put in your mind.
      - It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.
      - Expect the best, prepare for the worst.
      - Remember that life is hard, but when you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you.
      - There's been 11 billion people to walk the face of this earth, but there's never been one like you!
      - Go with the flow..
      - People who truly understand God's purpose for their lives know that we are called to be intimately involved with one another. From "Better than Good" by Zig Ziglar
      - Direction Creates TIME...Motivation creates ENERGY.

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